My Twin Flame Romance — Part Six

The Rest Of That Con of ‘99

Kiki Lu Johnson
5 min readNov 15, 2022
Image by GioeleFazzeri on Pixabay

If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest you do that now. There’s some important disclaimers in there I just don’t feel like repeating — so check it out and come back here when you’re done. Kthx.

*** This story involves underage drinking and other things that happened, but probably shouldn’t have. It’s not an endorsement of those activities.

After such a disgusting display by Rod, I didn’t want to deal with anyone. Going back to my room was the best idea, and I took no shortcuts on the way there. Once inside, I slammed the door and flopped on the bed — true 90’s-teenager style.

Not five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Shelly and Donna (another friend/schoolmate) had left for one reason or another, and Erik was finally free from their clutches.

Oh, but I didn’t let him off that easily.

There was a heavy back-and-forth to justify what the hell happened. Who was she, why was he being so cold? At the time, he told me she was a friend he thought might become something more — but it was proving to be far too much work.

She wasn’t as “laid back” as I was. ;)

The More You Know



Kiki Lu Johnson

Mother, erotica/romance writer, and gamer. Loves philosophy, psychology, comedy, and of course- sex!