My Twin Flame Romance — Part 28

When Angels Deserve To Die

Kiki Lu Johnson
6 min readApr 11, 2023
Image by karan_kss_ on Pixabay

If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest you do that now. There’s some important disclaimers in there I just don’t feel like repeating — so check it out and come back here when you’re done. Kthx.

The dreams continued to haunt me every 2–3 months for the entirety of 2015. Meanwhile, we had other issues.

I resisted any temptation that might destroy the relationship Sean and I had built. We were too invested in each other, and things weren’t actually that bad; we had so many wonderful elements to our relationship.

He was kind, compassionate, and emotionally available. He let me be me, whatever that meant in any given day. We could talk for hours about the thoughts plaguing my mind — from trauma to Universal truths.

There was just one thing that bothered me…

All Mind, No Body

My earlier decision to stop him from initiating sex to force me to do so had backfired. We had very little physical contact by this point, after years of letting the sex take a back seat in the relationship.

At this point, the sexual side of the relationship looked a lot more like it had with Ben leading up to the worst sexual encounter of my life.



Kiki Lu Johnson

Mother, erotica/romance writer, and gamer. Loves philosophy, psychology, comedy, and of course- sex!