My Twin Flame Romance — Part 22

Longing and Loneliness — What I deserved.

Kiki Lu Johnson
5 min readFeb 28, 2023
Image by vdnhieu on Pixabay

If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest you do that now. There’s some important disclaimers in there I just don’t feel like repeating — so check it out and come back here when you’re done. Kthx.

Ok, we’ve got to back up a bit from Mike for a mo’.

There was an undertone in the last month or two of my relationship with Ben that leaned heavily on my wrongdoings of the past. Especially where Erik and Sean were concerned, I had become more and more aware of how terrible I had done them.

Even before I moved out and broke up with Ben, I had been looking for those two poor souls I had wronged. They deserved closure.

Read: they deserved to rip my heart out and stomp on it.

The internet and Google weren’t quite the same back then, and social media was in its infancy. Erik has a generic last name, making it impossible to find him. Sean… well, I didn’t know his last name. So I was stuck there.

I knew where they both had lived, but… I wasn’t keen on showing up in person at random. That was too vulnerable for my tastes.

Thankfully, the Universe would send me exactly what I needed…

Enter Marcel



Kiki Lu Johnson

Mother, erotica/romance writer, and gamer. Loves philosophy, psychology, comedy, and of course- sex!