My Twin Flame Romance — Part 12

Welcome To Adulthood

Kiki Lu Johnson
9 min readDec 20, 2022
Image by cuncon on Pixabay

If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest you do that now. There’s some important disclaimers in there I just don’t feel like repeating — so check it out and come back here when you’re done. Kthx.

You may notice that from here on, there’s no “underage” disclaimer. That’s no accident; it was just after turning 18 that the false TF Rick dumped me.

Yup. From here on, I was officially legal.

Though, not everything I did ended up legal. But that’s another story. My drug adventures aren’t on display here. ;)

Enter Drake

I got really depressed. Like, really depressed. Spent most of my time in AOL chat rooms and not-so-secretly stealing my mom’s Jack Daniels (which I still wasn’t old enough to be drinking). Every now and then, I’d pull myself together and head into work.

My job? Pizza delivery girl.

In the first week of this depression-fueled ‘hikikomori’ lifestyle, I ran out of smokes. Well, I was finally old enough to buy them myself so at the ripe hour of 1am I headed to the new gas station across the street from my mom’s apartment complex.

She was staying with her long-term boyfriend, so there wasn’t anyone to worry about waking.



Kiki Lu Johnson

Mother, erotica/romance writer, and gamer. Loves philosophy, psychology, comedy, and of course- sex!